Download a .pdf version of the APF Performance Based Funding Guidelines
Any Athlete endorsed by the APF to represent Australia at World Parachuting Championships (WPC) will be provided with the basic level of funding: competition entry fee and uniform (see Sporting Code, section 5.2).
Level 1 A percentage of APTAC funding (to be determined by National Coach)
Level 2 A greater percentage of APTAC funding (determined by National Coach)
Level 3 (for serious medal contenders) Level 2 plus return airfare & reasonable on-travel costs to competition (i.e. immigration visa/bus/train/ferry fares/hotel transfers from nearest main airport direct to the competition site)
Performance Based Funding is to be utilised for training jumps, coaching fees (including coach travel expense) and tunnel training only. Recipients of funding must evidence expenditure to the satisfaction of the National Coach.
Note: the National Coach is to determine the percentage of funding allocated to each level depending on the medal chances of any teams. For example, in a year when Australia produced a strong medal chance, more funding would be diverted to the team involved. In years with no strong medal chances, funds would be more evenly distributed.